Our Memberships
Civilian Membership | Position Membership | Military Membership
Honorary Membership | Senior Active Civilian Membership | Corporate Membership
Our regular meetings of the MAC will generally be held on the second Thursday of each month. Meetings will be called to order at approximately 7:30 AM and adjourned at approximately 8:30 AM and will include breakfast.
Each member will receive an email notice as to the time and location of the meeting. This will include an agenda, minutes of the past meeting, an updated calendar, and an updated financial statement.
Military and Honorary Members receive complimentary breakfasts. All Civilian, Position, Honorary, or Senior Active members who bring guests to the monthly breakfast meeting shall be required to pay the cost of the meal for their guests.
Membership Application
Membership By-Laws
General Membership Meeting Dates 2025
The Civilian Membership shall not exceed fifty members and they must be full time residents of the Lower Florida Keys. No member will be invited to join if there exists any known conflict of interest with the MAC or its activities. No member will engage in self-dealing transactions in its capacity as a MAC member. If a conflict of interest arises after becoming a member, it is grounds for immediate disenrollment/removal. Civilian Members in good standing have all voting privileges. If a current MAC Civilian Member is or later becomes an elected official or corporate member, he/she can retain MAC membership status.
The Position Membership shall consist of various community leaders, designated by MAC, whose professional position should have familiarity with military personnel. Position Membership is only for the position holder, however, on occasion the position holder can designate its next in command to attend MAC meetings on its behalf. Position Members will be non-voting members of the MAC and will not pay dues. Position Members will be charged the cost of breakfast for the meetings they attend. If a current Civilian or Senior Active Member earns a seat that is designated for a Position Member, that member will fill that Position Membership along with retaining their current membership status, continue to pay their annual MAC dues, and will not additionally be charged for the breakfast when attending. The composition of this membership class is under the purview of the Executive Board and will be reviewed, at least annually, to make appropriate additions and deletions. Position Members will not be voted on by the General Membership, however the Executive Board shall keep the General Membership apprised whenever a Position Member is added or removed. The Position Members will be listed in a separate appendix and kept with the Executive Board.”
The Military Membership shall be an approximate equal number of military personnel not to exceed the number of Civilian Members. Military Members shall be non-voting members of MAC.
Honorary Membership shall be limited to all retired officers of Flag Officer Rank or General Officer Rank living in the greater Key West area, as well as the Commanding Officer, USS KEY WEST (SSN 722). Honorary Members shall be non-voting members of MAC.
A Senior Active Civilian Member shall have all rights, privileges and obligations of the regular Civilian Member with the exception of attendance requirements; further, a Senior Active Civilian Member may not be an officer but may be a member of the Executive Board. Any Civilian Member who has been active and in good standing for a period of Ten (10) years may apply for Senior Active Civilian Membership Status. Senior Active Civilian Members shall not be included in the fifty (50) member cap for Civilian Membership. There is no cap on the number of Senior Active Civilian Members. Senior Active Civilian Members in good standing shall have all voting privileges. If a current Senior Active Member is or later becomes an elected official, he/she can retain MAC membership status.
Corporate Membership shall be limited to those upstanding organizations that desire to further MAC’s Objectives through a financial contribution to MAC. Membership consideration shall only be given to those organizations that are determined by the Executive Board to represent those ideals consistent with MAC’s Purpose. A Corporate Membership shall include two individual members of the sponsoring corporation’s choosing but those designees require approval by the MAC Executive Board. Those two individual members shall not have voting privileges. Annual renewal shall be required consistent with Civilian and Senior Active Membership renewal dates. Corporate members shall be invited to all regular meetings, have no attendance requirements, are encouraged to engage in all MAC events and shall be listed as Corporate Members on select MAC social media platforms as chosen by the Executive Board to include the MAC Website as a minimum. Fees (dues) shall be set annually by the Executive Board and may be tiered for different levels of recognition set by the Executive Board. Corporate Membership organizations shall also be given priority to contribute to special events at prevailing sponsorship rates such as Soldier Ride, Sigsbee Charter School Month of the Military Child, & MAC Patriots’ Golf Tournament, etc. and be recognized as a specific sponsor of that respective event. Civilian Members and Senior Active Members shall retain all their rights associated with those membership categories if also listed as (becoming) a corporate member.